Share secure, password protected, unique links to your Jira issues with anyone

External Share allows secure sharing of Jira issues with external users with no additional licenses!

Share links with external users, allowing them to follow updates, add comments and attachments, on live Jira issues.


External Share for Jira

vs External Share for Jira Lite

External Share

for Jira Lite

External Share

for Jira

Configure data visibility options per link + +
Link expiration + +
Link password protection + +
Custom fields support + +
Link audit + +
Link opener counter + +
Transition issue status + +
Enable/disable links by Jira Protect - +
Require passwords on all links - +
Set default custom fields on new links - +
Additional features for Jira Service Management - +
Share multiple issues from a single link - +
Share board - +
Custom branding on shared links - +