Key Summary Priority Σ Original Estimate Status Update Summary
LS-7 Online Booking System - Google Tracking GA/GTM Setup Priority: High 4h To Do
LS-44 Leads Recognition - new leads are being treated as new instead of linked to older leads Priority: High To Do
LS-62 Pardot - Abandoned Booking in Online Booking System Campaign Priority: High 8h To Do

If London School uses a payment gateway then we can track abandoned bookings as we create a record prior to going out to the payment gateway.

If London School wishes to capture data prior to this we would recommend Google Tag Manager be used instead. We have a GTM specialist we can schedule time with?

LS-74 Pardot - Working with Sharing Rules Priority: High 40h To Do

Requires clarification on whether the sharing rules are now in place, and what impact that has for the client (is further functionality expected or is Pardot now considered “fully operational”. Client is able to do everything they need to currently, but reliant on Morgan to build data sets.

LS-76 Pardot - Tracking Code in the Online Booking System Priority: High 8h To Do

We have agreed to implement Google Tag Manager instead for all tracking requirements.

LS-82 Integration - WhatsApp for Business Priority: High To Do
LS-83 Teacher Portal - Switch to Lightning Priority: High 16h To Do

Stock functionality to be implemented in first iteration. Priority to be agreed with client in future project meeting.

LS-86 Home Tuition - New OBS Portal Priority: High To Do

Rich will get in touch with Faeza to agree requirements. We discussed internally and suspect the new Restaurant Pass functionality could be used to bundle together a course and accommodation for this purpose.

LS-93 Teacher Portal - Teacher IT Scheduling (Phase 2) Priority: High To Do

Awaiting confirmation of requirements from client.

LS-94 Pardot - End of Course Feedback links Priority: High To Do
LS-132 Source Fields Priority: High To Do
LS-133 Learner Plans/Leaving Reports - Adjustments Priority: High 16h To Do

Waiting for client to broker meeting

LS-134 Integration - Calendly Priority: High To Do
LS-149 Online Booking System - Google Analytics view of Enrolment/Enrolment Value Priority: High To Do

Waiting for Natasha to outline requirements.

LS-162 Switch to Improved Accommodation Batch Payment System Priority: High 4h To Do

Met with Ben/Julia/Alkesh 08/11/2023. Waiting for bank switch to Lloyds. Waiting for client to book next meeting.

LS-168 Young Adults - Feedback Priority: High To Do

Waiting for client to define requirements.

LS-169 Young Adults - Form to capture flight details Priority: High To Do

Waiting configuration (with LS-73 Done )

LS-174 ML - Teacher Hours Batch Payment Priority: High To Do

Waiting for client requirements

LS-182 Enhanced Domains: Bulk Update Links in Document & Email Templates Priority: Medium To Do

Redirect in place; waiting for dev.

LS-199 Data Management - Lead "Product Interest" Filtering Priority: High To Do

Waiting for client to confirm requirements and prioritisation.

LS-200 ML - Stacked Discounts Priority: High To Do

Requires system upgrade, then configuration

LS-202 New Bank Account Priority: High To Do
LS-207 ML - Booking Portal Login Feature Priority: High 8h To Do

Requires configuration

LS-209 ML - Feedback Form Priority: High 16h To Do

Waiting for client requirements

LS-211 ML - Update Logo Priority: High 2h To Do

Waiting configuration

LS-213 Learner Portal Improvements Priority: High 2h To Do

Waiting for config

LS-214 ML - Learner Portal Google Classroom Integration Priority: High 16h To Do

Waiting for client requirements

LS-215 ML - Re-Enrolment Emails Priority: High 8h To Do

Waiting for client requirements

LS-216 Learner Portal - Student Video Recording Function Priority: High To Do

Requires escalation for consideration by dev

LS-219 Transfer Details Pre-Arrival Form Priority: High 2h To Do

Waiting configuration

30 issues