Key Summary Assignee Priority Σ Original Estimate Σ Remaining Estimate Status Update Summary Due date Sort
LS-160 System Upgrades Richard Turnbull Priority: Project Management In Progress

Ticket to track time for system upgrades.

30/Sep/24 999.0
LS-92 Project Management - Meetings/Reporting Richard Turnbull Priority: Low 0h In Progress

Ticket to track time for Project Meetings and other Project Management against.

30/Sep/24 999.0
LS-88 eFlex New Version Integration & SSO Brett Talbot Priority: High 43h 41h In Progress

Meeting with Peter Bures 12th July 24, to review the integration he built in Zapier. Peter has built the integration with Zapier, using a number of newer SW ‘calculated fields’ - Account Booking Courses, Class Teachers - which are run by future methods and batch updates. We explained that these fields whilst are generally reliable wouldn’t be used in a custom built intregration (we would use the core/raw data) but for non critical use should be OK. The fields could be incorrect due to record locks or timing issues. Also Peter needs to keep an eye on the API limits.

Next steps for SSO: Peter will review SSO with eFlex to return code example/more detail so we can spec, quote and build.

31/Jul/24 1.0
3 issues