Issue Type Key Summary Assignee Priority Status Updated
IT Help TICKET-8825 unlock account Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 12:03 PM
Support SWPROJECT-1403 Updated SW Projects LSE Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 12:03 PM
Support SWPROJECT-1025 Statuses project - including Auto-Complete Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 12:03 PM
Support SWPROJECT-1232 Student Portal - Switch to Lightning (LS-68) Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 12:03 PM
Support SWPROJECT-1621 'How did you find us?' - on booking form for Modern Languages Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 12:03 PM
Support SWPROJECT-1599 Italian test with answers and scoring Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 12:03 PM
Support SWPROJECT-1622 ML Test Landing and Completion Screen Content/Logo Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 12:03 PM
Support SWPROJECT-1544 Young Adults Booking Portal Configuration Richard Turnbull Priority: Urgent Resolved 25/Jan/24 12:03 PM
Support SWPROJECT-1543 Enquiry Form Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 12:03 PM
Support SWPROJECT-1604 ML School Structure Queries Richard Turnbull Priority: Urgent Resolved 25/Jan/24 12:03 PM
Support SWPROJECT-1495 Feedback Update/Sign-off Richard Turnbull Priority: Urgent Resolved 25/Jan/24 12:03 PM
IT Help TICKET-9097 Lesson times for SW Classing Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 12:03 PM
IT Help TICKET-8981 RE: Agent Dashboard Tab Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 12:03 PM
Task TICKET-9133 IQ Hammersmith - new residence configuration and permissions Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 12:03 PM
Support SWPROJECT-425 Original source field in Schooworks Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 12:03 PM
Support SWPROJECT-1454 Mid Course Feedback Test Triggers Richard Turnbull Priority: Urgent Resolved 25/Jan/24 12:03 PM
IT Help TICKET-9011 RE: account balance not shown - Laurent Devulder Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 12:03 PM
IT Help TICKET-8744 Removing reg fee on cancelled Accommodation Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 12:03 PM
IT Help TICKET-8754 Dashboard permissions Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 12:03 PM
Support SWPROJECT-821 Schoolworks online booking field Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 12:03 PM
IT Help TICKET-8885 Feedback overview and requested changes August 2021.xlsx Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 12:03 PM
Support SWPROJECT-1627 booking confirmation email template Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 12:02 PM
Support SWPROJECT-1564 ML Booking Portal Form Fields Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 12:02 PM
Support SWPROJECT-603 Allow Trainers to schedule one to one bookings with their assigned student (LS-85) Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 12:02 PM
Support SWPROJECT-1630 Test URLs for Website Richard Turnbull Priority: Urgent Resolved 25/Jan/24 12:02 PM
Support SWPROJECT-1631 basic info on booking page Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 12:02 PM
Support SWPROJECT-1632 RE: autoplacement Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 12:02 PM
IT Help SWPROJECT-1271 Scheduling function on the Trainer Portal (LS-85) Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 12:02 PM
Support SWPROJECT-1367 Feedback overview and requested changes April 2023.xlsx Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 12:02 PM
IT Help TICKET-11748 URGENT! My proifile has no permission to close the classes Brett Talbot Priority: Urgent Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:57 AM
IT Help TICKET-11488 RE: Further Information Required Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:56 AM
IT Help TICKET-11782 Test webpage issue Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:56 AM
IT Help TICKET-9466 LSIC - Class times Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:56 AM
IT Help TICKET-9186 Locked filters and export in Salesforce - Leads View Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:56 AM
IT Help TICKET-9477 Trainer unable to access her account - London School of English Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:56 AM
IT Help TICKET-9479 Feedback for online students Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:56 AM
IT Help TICKET-10165 Booking Form Automatically Adds Lunches Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:56 AM
IT Help TICKET-9795 Virtual certificates for online IT Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:56 AM
IT Help TICKET-10259 Schoolworks Pardot integration - 30 mins briefing needed Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:56 AM
IT Help TICKET-9800 Thomas Frei (ST-91728) - No EDIT function anymore Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:56 AM
IT Help TICKET-9382 Issues with saving billing address details in Accounts Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:56 AM
IT Help TICKET-9725 zero balance on account (ST-92073) Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:56 AM
IT Help TICKET-10271 Access to the Accreditation Documents on Google Docs Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:56 AM
IT Help TICKET-10090 FW: Leaving Report problem Richard Turnbull Priority: Urgent Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:56 AM
IT Help TICKET-9287 Dashboard creation Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:56 AM
IT Help TICKET-9491 Adding phone numbers to a report Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:56 AM
IT Help TICKET-10018 PCQ emails - internal completed notification emails Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:56 AM
IT Help TICKET-9495 Bookings status question and income Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:56 AM
IT Help TICKET-11316 Homestay batch payment Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:56 AM
IT Help TICKET-10032 Issues with PCQ - not automatically allocated Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:56 AM
IT Help TICKET-11738 duplicate account issue Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:56 AM
IT Help TICKET-9922 Re: Were there problems with our online booking engine yesterday afternoon/early evening? Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:56 AM
IT Help TICKET-9251 Work flow emails Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:56 AM
IT Help TICKET-10040 Leaving Report problem Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:56 AM
IT Help TICKET-10041 balance not shown - FAB update Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:56 AM
IT Help TICKET-10391 Trustpilot email - copy request Richard Turnbull Priority: Medium Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:56 AM
IT Help TICKET-11513 School Holiday - Not applied to Restaurant Pass on Portal Richard Turnbull Priority: Urgent Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:56 AM
IT Help TICKET-9510 Individual Tuition Option on Learner Plans Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:56 AM
IT Help TICKET-11339 URGENT - Test Portal not working Richard Turnbull Priority: Critical Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:56 AM
IT Help TICKET-10724 FW: Another issue with incorrect starting dates showing on SW reports Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:56 AM
IT Help TICKET-10723 Another issue with incorrect starting dates showing on SW reports Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:56 AM
IT Help TICKET-9944 Please unlock StudyDIY Co Ltd (AG-007338) Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:55 AM
IT Help TICKET-9413 Lesson Times on LSO Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:55 AM
IT Help TICKET-9137 Academic comment in report and showing on screen for Sales Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:55 AM
IT Help TICKET-9438 FW: Leaving report template update needed Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:55 AM
IT Help TICKET-11655 Projects & small items Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:55 AM
IT Help TICKET-9456 Adding a class time for LSO-Online timetables Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:55 AM
IT Help TICKET-10213 Can't process payment - overpayment Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:55 AM
IT Help TICKET-9261 Attendance not logged (all schools) - amend scheduled jobs Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:55 AM
IT Help TICKET-10227 Receipt cannot be created at this time - please check Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:55 AM
IT Help TICKET-9266 Help with filtering results in a report Richard Turnbull Priority: Medium Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:55 AM
IT Help TICKET-9262 account balance vs closing balance (agent vs student balance) Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:55 AM
IT Help TICKET-9264 bank charge field - object query Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:55 AM
IT Help TICKET-10232 RE: Automated Course Cancelled Emails Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:55 AM
IT Help TICKET-10233 RE: Pardot Schoolworks Integration Call/Documentation Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:55 AM
IT Help TICKET-9272 URGENT Booking form issues - missing fields for Individual Tuition code bookings Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:55 AM
IT Help TICKET-10143 Shopping cart not working Richard Turnbull Priority: Urgent Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:55 AM
IT Help TICKET-9281 Scheduling online IT lessons over Xmas Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:55 AM
IT Help TICKET-10059 Issues with downloading learner reports/PCQs/login Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:55 AM
IT Help TICKET-9952 Pre-Course Questionnaire notification emails Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:55 AM
IT Help TICKET-10159 please unlock - thanks (Nicolas Dubar) Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:55 AM
IT Help TICKET-9707 zero balance Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:55 AM
IT Help TICKET-9215 Future classes on the Trainer Portal Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:55 AM
IT Help TICKET-9643 Unable to post payment on ST-91879 Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:55 AM
IT Help TICKET-9235 Building a report for Class placements with Student Details - additional fields on report type Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:55 AM
IT Help TICKET-9547 Report - field 'How did you hear' Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:55 AM
IT Help TICKET-9982 FW: Student tech issue with downloading Final Report Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:55 AM
IT Help TICKET-11722 Urgent: Invoice error Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:55 AM
IT Help TICKET-10390 Weekly Feedback for Individual Tuition Courses Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:49 AM
IT Help TICKET-10752 Update email address on booking form Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:49 AM
IT Help TICKET-11050 Unlock account Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:48 AM
IT Help TICKET-10424 Unable to post payments/finance balance 0 Richard Turnbull Priority: Critical Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:48 AM
IT Help TICKET-10339 Tracking bookings - Google Tag Manager Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:48 AM
IT Help TICKET-10294 SPE codes and learner plans Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:47 AM
IT Help TICKET-10778 Send Schoolworks Email button on all Account record types Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:47 AM
IT Help TICKET-10482 RE: SWPROJECT-1227 RE: Schoolworks Project Meeting Update Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:47 AM
IT Help TICKET-10598 RE: File access - The London School of English Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:46 AM
IT Help TICKET-10022 Pre-Course Questionnaires not triggered for Online IT Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:46 AM
IT Help TICKET-10707 Issues with seeing Enrolments under Accounts in Lightening Richard Turnbull Priority: High Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:46 AM
IT Help TICKET-10423 Error You don't have access to any organisation/finance balance 0 Richard Turnbull Priority: Critical Resolved 25/Jan/24 11:45 AM
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