Melhorias visuais na feature 'Allow address cleansing' da tenant
Nas últimas semanas estamos identificando ambientes com a feature Allow address cleansing habilitada sem necessidade. Esta é uma feature que faz parte da sessão Data Quality. Ao habilitarmos essa feature sem necessidade causamos sobrecarga na plataforma, principalmente no Elasticsearch, desencadeando em problemas diversos.
Esta opção está disponível em duas áreas da plataforma:
- Página de configuração da tenant, onde o tenant admin tem acesso.
- Modal lateral apresentada após clicar em um item da lista de tenants, onde o org admin tem acesso.
Sugestão de melhoria
Estive conversando com algumas pessoas do suporte para procurar entender o motivo pelo qual eles sempre habilitam essa feature. A conclusão foi que temos espaço de melhoria na UI (descrição da feature). Em resumo, o título da sessão Data Quality gera a impressão de que ao habilitar e feature, estaremos adicionando qualidade ao dado (na visão do suporte). Outro ponto é que não é claro para eles o que a feature Allow address cleansing faz.
Sendo assim, seguem abaixo algumas sugestões:
- Adicionar logo abaixo do check da feature uma descrição do que ele faz e quando deve ser utilizado. Além disso, deixar claro que ele só deve ser habilitado quando utilizado, do contrário pode gerar sobrecarga na plataforma.
- Talvez não fosse necessário incluir essa combo dentro da sessão Data Quality. Parece que a palavra quality está gerando certa confusão.
- Melhorar a UI afim de deixar claro para o usuário que está é uma feature que só deve ser habilitada quando realmente necessário, do contrário impactos poderão ser gerados na plataforma.
- Substituir label e checkbox por:
Data enhancement
[ ] Convert address to coordinates
- Adicionar ícone de informação com a tooltip:
This feature allows to convert address (street, city, etc.) to its corresponding coordinates. Only activate it when required, to prevent overloading and extra costs.
@Robson Thanael Poffo ,
@Pedro Buzzi , @Carlos Affonso Wagner , @Andre Pasold , @Douglas Coimbra Lopes
This issue was planned to be delivered until 2024-01-01. You can check that by consulting the issue in the Due Date field.
Dates already planned for this issue: 2023-12-11, 2024-01-01
If External Issue Link field is filled, customer was also informed on JIRA TOTVS.
This issue was automatically transitioned to WAITING DEPLOY, as its linked QA regression issue has just reached WAITING DEPLOY status (PR was just merged into master branch in Github).
This issue was automatically transitioned to REGRESSION, as its PR was just merged into qa branch in Github.
This issue was automatically transitioned to REGRESSION, as its PR was just merged into qa branch in Github.
This issue was automatically transitioned to REGRESSION, as its PR was just merged into qa branch in Github.
This issue was automatically transitioned to REGRESSION, as its PR was just merged into qa branch in Github.
This issue was automatically transitioned to REGRESSION, as its PR was just merged into qa branch in Github.
This issue was automatically transitioned to REGRESSION, as its PR was just merged into qa branch in Github.
This issue was automatically transitioned to TESTED & MERGED, as its PR was just merged into develop branch in Github. PR Approved by andregp,douglascoimbra.
Github user douglascoimbra has just approved a PR (added as Shard Assignee in this Jira issue).
chore(tenant): change address cleansing label and description
@Carlos Affonso Wagner As Carol Admin, the label is still as the previous description: Cleansing address for the organization perspective
sandbox link:
This issue was automatically transitioned to QA REVIEW, as its PR was just approved in Github.
This issue was automatically transitioned to REVIEW, as its PR (not DRAFT and not WIP) was just created in Github.
chore(tenant): change address cleansing label and description
@Robson Thanael Poffo ,
@Geny Isam Hamud Herrera , @Carlos Affonso Wagner ,
This issue was planned to be delivered until 2023-12-11. You can check that by consulting the issue in the Due Date field.
Dates already planned for this issue: 2023-12-11
If External Issue Link field is filled, customer was also informed on JIRA TOTVS.