FE allow User to Filter Scheduled Tasks through SQL queries endpoint


PRDE - Story default text according to the team DoR (Definition of Ready)

  • Provide an endpoint to allow FE to query scheduled tasks.


  • Endpoint on FE side allowing to filter Scheduled Tasks (/admin/query/sqlfilter).
  • Tenand ID should be provided within the query to be perfomed by (/admin/query/sqlfilter).
  • It only allows filter tasks by pre-defined fields:
    • taskType: it receives a list of task types.
    • Data Model: it receives one or more data model and allow to filter tasks related to this data model. It work for all tasks related to data models.
    • Carol App: it allow to filter by a pre-defined list of Carol Apps. It allows more than one carol app on the same filter.
    • Pipeline Name: it allow to filter SQL Processing tasks by pipeline name, using the operator LIKE.


Automation for Jira 11 March 2024, 18:49 Jira Internal Users

This issue was automatically transitioned to REGRESSION, as its PR was just merged into qa branch in Github.

Automation for Jira 11 March 2024, 18:49 Jira Internal Users

This issue was automatically transitioned to REGRESSION, as its PR was just merged into qa branch in Github.

Automation for Jira 11 March 2024, 18:49 Jira Internal Users

This issue was automatically transitioned to REGRESSION, as its PR was just merged into qa branch in Github.

Automation for Jira 1 March 2024, 19:01 Jira Internal Users

@Pedro Buzzi , @Ingo Wagner , @Carlos Affonso Wagner , @Douglas Coimbra Lopes , @Moises Jose Soares Filho , @Pedro Buzzi

This issue was planned to be delivered until 2024-03-25. You can check that by consulting the issue in the Due Date field.

Dates already planned for this issue: 2024-02-12, 2024-03-01, 2024-03-25

If External Issue Link field is filled, customer was also informed on JIRA TOTVS.

Automation for Jira 29 February 2024, 15:46 Jira Internal Users

Github user felabs01 has just commited and issue was sent back to the REVIEW column.

Automation for Jira 26 February 2024, 12:14 Jira Internal Users

This issue was automatically transitioned to TESTED & MERGED, as its PR was just merged into develop branch in Github. PR Approved by carlosafw,carlosafw,douglascoimbra.

Automation for Jira 26 February 2024, 12:09 Jira Internal Users

Github user douglascoimbra has just approved a PR (added as Shard Assignee in this Jira issue).

refactor: https://totvslabs.atlassian.net/browse/CAPL-5315#icft=CAPL-5315 fe allow user to filter scheduled tasks and tasks through sql queries endpoint

Automation for Jira 23 February 2024, 22:36 Jira Internal Users

Github user carlosafw has just approved a PR (added as Shard Assignee in this Jira issue).

refactor: https://totvslabs.atlassian.net/browse/CAPL-5315#icft=CAPL-5315 fe allow user to filter scheduled tasks and tasks through sql queries endpoint

Moises Jose Soares Filho 23 February 2024, 20:49 Jira Internal Users

This card has been validated by the QA team.

Douglas Coimbra Lopes 16 February 2024, 14:08 Jira Internal Users

@Ingo Wagner I’ve followed your instructions to perform the tests. follow the results

We can see the schedules task from the SQL query endpoint using the FE /carol-ui-api branches described. However, from the pipeline menu, we cannot See/Pause any Schedule task using UI.

CAPL-5315 branch

We can see a console error when the FE tris to read the schedule task queries

Pipeline Page

Schedule task page

Check below the FE qa branch as a reference in another sandbox

Ingo Wagner 15 February 2024, 19:50 Jira Internal Users

@Douglas Coimbra Lopes

Ingo Wagner 15 February 2024, 19:50 Jira Internal Users

Did you follow these instructions?

Douglas Coimbra Lopes 15 February 2024, 18:32 Jira Internal Users

@Ingo Wagner We are receiving console errors when we try to get the History/ Schedule tasks request






















curl 'https://totvspeacemaker.qarol.ai/api-ui/tasks/query' \
  -H 'authority: totvspeacemaker.qarol.ai' \
  -H 'accept: application/json, text/plain, */*' \
  -H 'accept-language: en-US,en;q=0.9' \
  -H 'authorization: 605077ac0a5a4ad685e271b1174edaa0' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -H 'cookie: authorization-douglasdevtenant=605077ac0a5a4ad685e271b1174edaa0' \
  -H 'origin: https://totvspeacemaker.qarol.ai' \
  -H 'referer: https://totvspeacemaker.qarol.ai/douglasdevtenant/carol-ui/tasks/scheduled' \
  -H 'sec-ch-ua: "Not A(Brand";v="99", "Brave";v="121", "Chromium";v="121"' \
  -H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' \
  -H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "macOS"' \
  -H 'sec-fetch-dest: empty' \
  -H 'sec-fetch-mode: cors' \
  -H 'sec-fetch-site: same-origin' \
  -H 'sec-gpc: 1' \
  -H 'user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36' \
Automation for Jira 14 February 2024, 13:07 Jira Internal Users

This issue was automatically transitioned to QA REVIEW, as its PR was just approved in Github.

Automation for Jira 12 February 2024, 18:44 Jira Internal Users

@Gabriel DAmore Marciano , @Ingo Wagner , @Pedro Buzzi

This issue was planned to be delivered until 2024-03-04. You can check that by consulting the issue in the Due Date field.

Dates already planned for this issue: 2024-02-12, 2024-03-04

If External Issue Link field is filled, customer was also informed on JIRA TOTVS.

Automation for Jira 9 February 2024, 15:16 Jira Internal Users

Github user felabs01 has just commited and issue was sent back to the REVIEW column.

Automation for Jira 9 February 2024, 12:23 Jira Internal Users

This issue was automatically transitioned to QA REVIEW, as its PR was just approved in Github.

Automation for Jira 5 February 2024, 16:20 Jira Internal Users

This issue was automatically transitioned to REVIEW, as its PR (not DRAFT and not WIP) was just created in Github.

feat: https://totvslabs.atlassian.net/browse/CAPL-5315#icft=CAPL-5315 endpoints to get tasks and scheduled tasks.

Automation for Jira 28 January 2024, 15:04 Jira Internal Users

This issue was automatically transitioned to IN PROGRESS, as its branch was just created in Github.


Automation for Jira 22 January 2024, 19:37 Jira Internal Users

@Jonathan Willian Moraes ,
@Geny Isam Hamud Herrera ,
This issue was planned to be delivered until 2024-02-12. You can check that by consulting the issue in the Due Date field.

Dates already planned for this issue: 2024-02-12

If External Issue Link field is filled, customer was also informed on JIRA TOTVS.