Reverse the color palete for dark theme


We need to reverse the color palette for dark theme.

In Jira color palette in light theme looks like:

and in dark theme:

Both checked buttons are signed as “dark green”. Atlassian reverse the color palette automatically when you switch a theme. So If you set a dark font on light background after switching to dark theme you’ll have a proper light font.

We need the same mechanism for External page.

This also causes a bug when editing the External share page

Also there was a mismatch in page theme editor theme when:
in global settings dark mode was disabled
users browser is set to darkmode


Automation for Jira 16 October 2024, 13:29

Hello @Mariusz Szymański,
Task is ready for review.

@Miłosz Jaskólski please make sure reviewer
have easy access to contend to be reviewed.

If this is code change. Please make sure PR is created.
If this is new documentation, blogpost, etc. Please provide link to page.

Automation for Jira 29 August 2023, 08:54

Hello @Krzysztof Bogdan

This is the best moment to add more description, wire-frames, comments.
Why we doing this?
What is expected result?