[Blocked] Expand is not working on JES pages


We need to fix the display of expand on JES pages.

In Jira:

On JES page:



Currently we render description using V2 api, that’s why we cannot establish either it contains expand element or not. To show user “/expand” tab we would need to render comments using adf and v3 api, unfortunatelly for now we can not do this because this approach that would work with expand doesnt work with images or videos.

Rendering issues is made through JQL in SupportUnit.java class. Now we take description data from V2 api which returns markdown in which we do not have any additional data that it’s expand element, and that’s why it cannot be done.

Linked issues

is duplicated by
Issue Type Icon ESFJ-990 ES does not support Expand from Jira element Priority: Medium
relates to
Issue Type Icon ESFJ-662 [Shared Issue] Verify description display and formatting Priority: Medium


Krzysztof Bogdan 29 August 2023, 08:56

@Igor Hercer Please file ticket to Atlassian. Describe problem. Link Atlassian ticket here

Igor Hercer 24 July 2023, 17:50

@Krzysztof Bogdan oh ok, I’ll write more details

Krzysztof Bogdan 24 July 2023, 17:49

@Igor Hercer Imagine someone else pickup this task in a year.
What if Atlassian changes returned markdown/html and we can implement rendering expand at our side?
You suggests solution. I am asking you to document your findings for next person that will be responsible for this task.
If you will not document your finding then next person will have to repeat your investigation.

Igor Hercer 24 July 2023, 17:47

@Krzysztof Bogdan doesn’t this explain everything? “we would need to render comments using adf and v3 api, unfortunatelly for now we can not do this because this approach that would work with expand doesnt work with images or videos.”

Krzysztof Bogdan 24 July 2023, 17:36

@Igor Hercer Yea, but can you answer the question ”Why” .
Why we are unable to implement expand?

Igor Hercer 24 July 2023, 17:27

@Krzysztof Bogdan added, please take a look

Krzysztof Bogdan 24 July 2023, 17:24

@Igor Hercer Please provide information you managed to find out regarding this task and update description

Igor Hercer 12 July 2023, 18:53

For now it cannot be done, we would need to take different approach on rendering description.