As a Tenant Admin I should see a global message informing me that the tenant failed to provision BQ or it is disabled


Issue Component(s) on Oct 25, 2023, 7:42:04 PM: ORGANIZATION/TENANT | DASHBOARD

PRDE - Story default text according to the team DoR (Definition of Ready)


As a Tenant Admin I should see a global message informing me that the tenant failed to provision BQ or it is disabled


  • A message on the header informing about this issue (BQ failed or not active).
    • If the user is an org admin: “The integration with BigQuery is disabled or it has failed. You can enable it from the organization admin, or open a ticket with the support team.”
    • If the user is NOT an org admin: “The integration with BigQuery is disabled or it has failed. You can talk with the Org admin , or open a ticket with the support team.”
    • The link should redirect to Org admin / Tenants
    • FE should update the FE if Carol gets update on tasks related to BQ provisioning (eventually, it can change the status to FAILED).


Automation for Jira 5 December 2023, 17:54 Jira Internal Users

This issue was automatically transitioned to DONE after being deployed to production on Github.

Automation for Jira 5 December 2023, 17:54 Jira Internal Users

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Automation for Jira 5 December 2023, 10:41 Jira Internal Users

This issue was automatically transitioned to WAITING DEPLOY, as its linked QA regression issue has just reached WAITING DEPLOY status (PR was just merged into master branch in Github).

Automation for Jira 4 December 2023, 15:18 Jira Internal Users

This issue was automatically transitioned to REGRESSION, as its PR was just merged into qa branch in Github.

Automation for Jira 4 December 2023, 15:18 Jira Internal Users

This issue was automatically transitioned to REGRESSION, as its PR was just merged into qa branch in Github.

Automation for Jira 4 December 2023, 15:18 Jira Internal Users

This issue was automatically transitioned to REGRESSION, as its PR was just merged into qa branch in Github.

Automation for Jira 4 December 2023, 15:18 Jira Internal Users

This issue was automatically transitioned to REGRESSION, as its PR was just merged into qa branch in Github.

Automation for Jira 30 November 2023, 12:08 Jira Internal Users

This issue was automatically transitioned to TESTED & MERGED, as its PR was just merged into develop branch in Github. PR Approved by andregp,douglascoimbra.

Automation for Jira 30 November 2023, 12:08 Jira Internal Users

Github user douglascoimbra has just approved a PR (added as Shard Assignee in this Jira issue).

feat(home): info banner on BQ provisioning issues

Douglas Coimbra Lopes 30 November 2023, 12:08 Jira Internal Users
Automation for Jira 28 November 2023, 13:48 Jira Internal Users

Github user carlosafw has just commited and issue was sent back to the REVIEW column.

Automation for Jira 28 November 2023, 13:44 Jira Internal Users

This issue was automatically transitioned to QA REVIEW, as its PR was just approved in Github.

Automation for Jira 22 November 2023, 15:52 Jira Internal Users

This issue was automatically transitioned to REVIEW, as its PR (not DRAFT and not WIP) was just created in Github.

feat(home): info banner on BQ provisioning issues

Automation for Jira 20 November 2023, 19:45 Jira Internal Users

@Robson Thanael Poffo ,
@Geny Isam Hamud Herrera , @Carlos Affonso Wagner ,

This issue was planned to be delivered until 2023-12-11. You can check that by consulting the issue in the Due Date field.

Dates already planned for this issue: 2023-12-11

If External Issue Link field is filled, customer was also informed on JIRA TOTVS.