Enable customizable approval path display settings in Jira issue views


Add the option for users to configure the display of the approval path in multiple areas of the issue view in Jira.


  • globally using addon property value (as global admin Apps->Settings->Preferences)

  • per user using user property value, 'Set own preferences' must be checked otherwise by default global settings are used (any user Apps->Preferences)

Available sections:

  • activity Tab

  • issue Content: below description: jiraIssueContents,

  • detail Tab: right sidepanel: jiraIssueContexts (check that all items display correctly in the smaller width that is available in this section)

Allow users to select their preferred view for displaying the approval path. When no view is checked Approval Path will not be displayed at all on issue page.
Users should have the capability to modify this default view to a different one on an individual basis.

Additionally, integrate an access point to the approval path section at the top, beneath the issue summary. Upon interacting with this access point, automatically scroll the page to the designated approval process section.

Accepted criteria

  • Users can select and change their preferred issue view for the approval path display.

  • An access point for the approval path is available under the issue summary.

  • Clicking the access point automatically scrolls to the approval process section.

Descriptor changed, app version needs to be updated