Add workflow condition to block transition unless an approval is rejected
This ensures statuses cannot be manually changed by basic users unless rejection occurs.
User story
As a workflow administrator, I want to block transitions unless an approval is rejected, so that statuses cannot be manually changed by users unless a rejection has occurred.
Currently, a workflow condition blocks transitions unless an approval is approved, enabling automated status changes. Users can also automate status changes when an approval is rejected using the reject step type.
No equivalent condition exists for rejected approvals.
This means basic users can manually transition statuses even if an approval is not rejected, bypassing workflow logic.
To work around this, some customers restrict access to these statuses, limiting them to the approval path technical user. While this adds control, it does not provide a standardized solution.
A condition similar to the approval success condition should be introduced for rejections. This will ensure transitions remain blocked unless an approval is rejected, preventing unintended status changes and improving approval control.
For developers
The equivalent option for successful approvals is:
Name |
Description |
Approval Path - Block transition until approval |
Transition only if the issue is approved |
Acceptance criteria
A new workflow condition blocks transitions unless an approval is rejected.
The condition functions like the approval success condition but applies to rejections.
Transitions remain unavailable until an approval is rejected.
The condition works with automation or post functions for automatic status updates.
Basic users cannot manually change statuses if approval is not rejected.