Bulk editing for external shares
Port feature from JES to CES, based on
Implement a feature to allow bulk edition of external shares.
Bulk edition should be added to global share list view.
Add 'Bulk edition' button with split dropdown menu:
selected (all selected rows),
not selected (all not selected rows from filter),
all from filter
Create bulk edition form displayed instead of share list:
show number of affected share records
each option needs to be activated by checkbox selection
Fields allowed to edition:
checkbox ‘update last modified by’ - user picker - overrides last modified user,
selected user email section (only one checkbox from below can be checked), user picker same as in Selected users tab on share form
checkbox ‘overwrite’ - user picker - overrides users,
checkbox ‘add new’ - user picker - adds new users to each share that don't have them,
checkbox ‘remove existing’ - user picker - removes users.
selected user domain section (only one checkbox from below can be checked), input same as in Selected users domain tab on share form
checkbox ‘overwrite’ - input - overrides domain
checkbox ‘add new' - input - add domains to each share that don't have them,
checkbox ‘remove existing' - input - removes domains
Save - validates each selected operation input value and updates shares taking into account project schemes for each one,
Cancel - returns to previous view with same filter set.
Accepted criteria
Develop functionality to bulk edit domains associated with selected shares.
Enable bulk recipient changes across selected shares.
Based on customer support request.
Customer feedback
Adding a way to bulk edit external shares would have been very helpful.
I understand that each may be somewhat different, but if you could find a way to process a bulk change for who they are shared with…or at least the domain.
We had to open hundreds of shares just to remove the domain from each as they had been keyed into each of them.
Hello @Michał,
Please merge code to dev branch.
This is the best moment to add more information that can be helpful to prepare release notes.
Can you prepare short overview of change that can be used in release notes?
Please provide short GIF that showcase feature.
If GIF make no sense, can you provide image that highlights feature that can be used in release notes (cropped & annotated)?
@Michał Feature verified - QA environment.
@Michał Feature failed - QA environment. Bulk editing does not update summary in Global settings
Hello @Michał ]
This is the best moment to add more information that can be helpful for tester.
What areas are affected?
What are potential edge cases?
Was it checked for XSS problems?
Does change affect security, is new data exposed?
Please attach - Before / After screenshot if possible.
* The same changes have been added to 3 screens, so please verify that all 3 screens work fine:
- shares for space
- all shares (global settings for admin user),
- my shares (global settings for non-admin user)
* I have also refactored search filter for shares, you should not encounter any visible changes, but please do regression tests on all 3 aforementioned screens to check that filtering works without any issues
* I have unified code implemented recently for JES, so please do a quick check if this feature still works for JES (doesn’t have to be exhaustive)
Hello @Kamil Zarychta,
Task is ready for review.
@Michał please make sure reviewer
have easy access to contend to be reviewed.
If this is code change. Please make sure PR is created.
If this is new documentation, blogpost, etc. Please provide link to page.