Description and comments from ADF rendering using guarana
First lets rollout new ADF (rich-text) renderer for
custom field (there can be ADF custom fields ❗ - like
field or other)filter view > rich-text column (images might stop working)
that works only if special query param is available in url ?render=adf
Otherwise we will use current rendered.
Image mapping can be done using HTML from Jira api v2.
Please watch of E2E tests 🔍 , specially those related with Issue formatting
`description-display.spec.ts`, `comment-formatting.spec.ts`
Child issues
Linked issues
is duplicated by
Expand does not work - description, comment, environment field
Images with special characters in a name are not supported
relates to
[Blocked] Expand is not working on JES pages
[Blocked] Table layout breaks when line break appears in cell between two values
Videos included in comment doesn't work on External Share page
Incorrect conversion of HTML text formatting when using text color change
Text and code snippet overflow in comment section
Certain links are not automatically converted to inline (Smart) links and cannot be manually converted to inline or card view either
Non-formatted images fail to display correctly in shared issue descriptions
Images are not displated on shared page
Add same linking behaviour to comments as in share description
To Do
Improvement implemented - QA env
@Polina Naumenko Expand fixed, please retest again
Expand stopped working
@Daniel Siara
linki nie wyswietlaja sie jako inline, card, embed
w prodzie tez nie dziala
attachments iare not displayed
group mention displayed as url instead of mention
video, image, attachment zip file are not supported in a table
adf ES has word.doc attachment that supposed to be displayed above in issue 2.
scrollbar is a code snippet and code is not rendered
How about rendering? In Jira some strings are in different text
scrollbar code snippet in expand
image in expand is not supported
info panels dark mode icons and strings are not visible
image in info panel is not supported (prod the same, might need a new ticket)
Decision macro in dark mode is not supported
Divider should be in dark mode
Statuses should be in dark mode
@Polina Naumenko task is ready to restest
Problem with emoticons / unicodes.
Headers size. Code block size. Panel icons broken.
@Polina Naumenko
This new ADF render is still broken. I found numerous problems. Please re-test this fully.
Improvement implemented - QA env
image size
smart link & comments
Edit do not work in old mode
Edit do not work in new mode
Embedded attachments in description in edit mode - do not work (zip)
image size - non proper size (should be smaller)
If you adjust size in Jira and refresh a page, size is applied correctly
Info panel issue (fyi colors are not mapped yet)
code block and inline code block is visually broken.
unexpected margins in smart link & comments
prism removed in adf
external-styles-min removed in adf
panel-icons removed in adf
styles-new removed in adf
If render=adf mode:
Remove prism
Remove external-styles-min
Remove panel-icons css
Remove styles-new.css?
Fix panel render:
@Krzysztof Bogdan all problems fixed. Please take a look into PR.
Code block is visually broken,
inline code block is visually broken.
Unexpected margins:
Edit do not work in old mode:
Edit do not work on new mode:
Ensure include EDITOR JS/CSS only if edit description / add comments is enabled
if render=adf - include our wysywig.js
by default include ckeditor
Embedded attachments in description in edit mode - do not work (zip)
Image size - non proper size (should be smaller)
Hello @Daniel Siara,
Please merge code to dev branch.
This is the best moment to add more information that can be helpful to prepare release notes.
Can you prepare short overview of change that can be used in release notes?
Please provide short GIF that showcase feature.
If GIF make no sense, can you provide image that highlights feature that can be used in release notes (cropped & annotated)?
Improvement implemented - QA env
expand does not work in edit mode (as per jira)
videos are not supported outside of a table
mp4 is not displayed
webm displayed, but unable to play a video
mkv displayed, but unable to play a video
info panels to be fixed in a separated bug as discussed
status color to be fixed in a separated bug as discussed
1- User is able to edit description when config is disabled - ✅
2- Expand does not work (impossible to collapse) - ✅
3- Size of an image in expand gets bigger - ✅ looks good - tested
5- Image size expands ✅
6 - status color is good ✅
7 - problem with mp4 in table ✅
8 - Divider is not supported - ✅
9 - ✅ looks good - tested
10 - Missing leading - ✅
11 - Info panel is really weird - ✅ looks good - tested
All problems should be fixed
User is able to edit description when config is disabled
Expand does not work (impossible to collapse)
Size of an image in expand gets bigger
Image size expands
Status colors are not as per jira, info panel is not in dark mode
checked with multiple users, browsers, instances. The issue is replicated
MP4 video is not supported? Weird cuz in a table i’m able to play it
Divider is not supported
Image is not supported in expand
Missing leading
Info panel is really weird
Unable to render image, code snippet
added extra column, should be 3 instead of 4
Info panel is not visible
Hello @Daniel Siara
This is the best moment to add more information that can be helpful for tester.
What areas are affected?
What are potential edge cases?
Was it checked for XSS problems?
Does change affect security, is new data exposed?
Please attach - Before / After screenshot if possible.
Hello @Daniel Siara,
Change was reviewed and approved.
Task is ready to be deployed to QA.
Once it is deployed to QA please move ticket to "To Test"
Thank you!
@Krzysztof Bogdan you can look again, changes applied
@Krzysztof Bogdan changes applied
@Daniel Siara 🏓
@Krzysztof Bogdan please take a look again
@Daniel Siara I think some big refactoring is needed
@Krzysztof Bogdan task is ready for review
Hello [~accountid:],
Task is ready for review.
@Daniel Siara please make sure reviewer
have easy access to contend to be reviewed.
If this is code change. Please make sure PR is created.
If this is new documentation, blogpost, etc. Please provide link to page.
Added linking behaviour to comments (ESFJ-1073) and to custom fields also
@Krzysztof Bogdan ok, I will refer to
@Krzysztof Bogdan Comments, description, environment are ADF rendered. I am currently working on custom fields (Today will be done). I still need to fix a few things related to the editor, as I showed you on Monday call. I estimate that I will finish up to Friday, but first the
@Daniel Siara What is status of this task? When you estimate finishing it?
@Daniel Siara Please refer to
- to update links in ADF to share if possible