Support checklist plugin


Research if we can support some of 3party checklist solution from Marketplace.
Do they expose API? If no, contact them and check if they are willing to integrate.


Child issues

Issue Type Icon ESFJ-408 Smart Checklist for Jira Priority: Medium
Issue Type Icon ESFJ-409 Issue Checklist for Jira (Free/Paid) Priority: Medium
Issue Type Icon ESFJ-426 Improve rendering of mentions in smart checklist for Jira Priority: Medium


Mariusz Szymański 21 June 2023, 07:46

I’m closing it, I believe this is done.

Krzysztof Bogdan 15 June 2023, 09:34

I can be standalone ticket related with


Parsa Shiva 15 June 2023, 09:20

@Krzysztof Bogdan no, at the moment we have just basic view only integration without dark mode support. So the checklist appears in light mode if shared page is in dark mode.

Krzysztof Bogdan 15 June 2023, 09:19

@Parsa Shiva I do not know, did we implemented dark mode?

Would you like to have all tasks related to Smart checklist integration under this improvement task as subtasks? I will create task for it.

That depends on the task. How is new ticket related?

Parsa Shiva 14 June 2023, 18:16

@Krzysztof Bogdan Alberto, from Smart checklist asked that we implement a dark mode for it (currently not supported. Would you like to have all tasks related to Smart checklist integration under this improvement task as subtasks? I will create task for it.

Mariusz Szymański 17 May 2023, 12:12

I’m looking into it. It works perfeclty fine locally for both pro and free versions. I suppose there may be some problem with custom fields.

Parsa Shiva 17 May 2023, 11:50

After checking together with @Mariusz Szymański, we concluded that it does not work on both pro and free version of the checklist.

Parsa Shiva 16 May 2023, 17:39

@Mariusz Szymański Unable to view this checklist - QA environment.

It is enabled on integrations, on the share configuration and populated but I only can view Smart Checklist not this.

Krzysztof Bogdan 16 May 2023, 05:44

@Parsa Shiva Please test this, this is high priority

Parsa Shiva 23 November 2022, 11:58

Create a ticket to implement API support with railsware.

Parsa Shiva 14 October 2022, 12:46

@Krzysztof Bogdan Railsware is contacted, we will be waiting for response, meanwhile I can contact more, unless you wish to first finalize with them?

Parsa Shiva 14 October 2022, 09:16

@Krzysztof Bogdan Ok I will prepare an email and show you, then send it.

Krzysztof Bogdan 14 October 2022, 09:15

@Parsa Shiva I think for now just write to them

Krzysztof Bogdan 14 October 2022, 09:14

Looks like this plugin does expose data as Jira issue property.
We should check if it would be possible to use that to render checklist on our own.

Parsa Shiva 14 October 2022, 09:13

@Krzysztof Bogdan Of course, do we have any standard means of communication?

I can write to them via main or call them, I do not know what is best?

Krzysztof Bogdan 14 October 2022, 09:10

@Parsa Shiva I can not find information if Railsware provides API to access checklist.
Can you contact them and ask if they are keen to integrate with External Share?

Parsa Shiva 13 October 2022, 21:02

@Krzysztof Bogdan

There are multiple checklist solutions out there, this one seems to be focused only on checklists, with relatively high number of installs and ok rating.
They have a free and a pro version. easy to use. I think they could be an interesting place to start asking about integration.

There are also other ones such as these:





Parsa Shiva 12 October 2022, 16:32

@Krzysztof Bogdan Of course, but will ping you for some details.

Krzysztof Bogdan 12 October 2022, 16:30

@Parsa Shiva Can you look into this?