Shared filter view: filtering, ordering, page size
Allow external user to order by column (not all columns supports order, but most of them do)
Allow external user to filter by exposed columns.
Child issues
@Parsa Shiva noted!:)
@Igor Hercer Following issue persists - Production environment.
The issue with empty search box (press space) still persists on production.
@Igor Hercer Lovely
@Krzysztof Bogdan ok, I think I’ll create another ticket though since this has already been deployed.
@Igor Hercer Yes. If filter is used we should subscribe to only to ‘selected’ shares.
@Parsa Shiva Oh, and about this design question. Right now it works for all issues despite filter, @Krzysztof Bogdan should we change it?
@Parsa Shiva Could you please test in on prod enviroment? It has been deployed by a mistake, but I think that these bugs that you mentioned no longer exists.
@Igor Hercer
Following issues occur and I have one question regarding the design as it causes some user confusion.
When there is no results in the search, user will see pagination and no message that result was not found.
Searching an empty will result in an error.
Design question
What purpose do the subscribe / unsubscribe all buttons are meant to play when search is in use?
It implies that user can subscribe to all issues within the search results when it’s actually subscribing to all issues from the shared filter.
@Parsa Shiva Search has been added in filter page 🙂
@Igor Hercer
Could you please describe what is asked to be done by the second line?
I can see that ordering columns works as expected but I do not understand the following: “Allow external user to filter by exposed columns.“
@Parsa Shiva Ready for test, deployed on qa
@Krzysztof Bogdan I’ve just updated pull request.
@Igor Hercer Also build is failing
@Igor Hercer I have requested changes
@Krzysztof Bogdan Please take a look at the review:)