Exclude part of description from sharing
If Allow edit is enabled → edit mode will contain hidden parts.
We need to document this limitation
Possibility to remove part of description from sharing.
Everything between <Hide start> and <Hide end> should not be shared.
This should not be removed from sharing
If there is no <Hide end> match → we should hide everything after in current scope.
So if <Hide start> is in table cell → we should hide everything after in cell but not outside cell.
Linked issues
relates to
Exclude part of page from sharing
Edit mode removes inline code formatting on save button click
@Krzysztof Bogdan Sorry forgot to ask for draft review - updated today, please review.
https://warsawdynamics-qa.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/QA/pages/334561310/Exclude+content+macro+-+Jira Additionally I think we can update the existing exclude macro for Confluence to be consistent with the newly made Jira one so I prepared this, if you could please also review draft https://warsawdynamics-qa.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/QA/pages/326893569/Exclude+content+macro+-+Confluence.
The blog post for this feature is already reviewed and approved so it will be first to push once this documentation is pushed to production.
@Krzysztof Bogdan Improvement implemented - QA environment.
@Parsa Shiva Also I removed hidden part from change log (history tab) on shared page.
@Parsa Shiva I have released new version which hides content from email.
It works different as in normal web page.
Due to reason what description is markdown (not html) - there is no easy way to define scope.
So in email there are no scopes. For example:
Table in description creates scope
But not in email
<hide start>
This should not be visible
This cell should be visible (on shared page)
but will be hidden in email because hide start is treated differently
That mean - we might remove extra content that is available in shared page.
People might get notification that content has changed but changed part is hidden
That mean change was in hidden part.
@Krzysztof Bogdan yes I recall, please ping me here when that will be done. Or we can have subtask for it.
@Parsa Shiva One more thing. I have to remove part of data from notification email
We can think of better handling this later but for now it should be enough
@Parsa Shiva That works as expected.
Please test this in Jira editor.
There is difference between:
1. <hide start> <ctrl-enter> …text…
2. <hide start> <enter> …text…
In first case hide macro and text below are in same, nested scope.
In second case, macro and text are in different scopes.
@Krzysztof Bogdan
Now <Hide Start> will disappear but does not exclude any content and <Hide end> is displayed as part of content as well.
@Parsa Shiva Ready to test
@Parsa Shiva Once I will deploy update to QA
@Krzysztof Bogdan So should I put it back to progress?
@Parsa Shiva on other hand I have one more idea how to hack this
@Parsa Shiva We accept this as limitation of what we can do
@Krzysztof Bogdan Do we follow up on this before launch or accept it as production defect?
@Parsa Shiva
Unfortunately this is another error from Jira side.
<hide start> text <hide end>
will not work correctly in same paragraph.What should work:
<hide start>
<hide end>
@Krzysztof Bogdan
Issue persists - QA environment.
<Hide end>
does not work.https://bitbucket.org/warsawdynamics/atlassian/pipelines/results/20420
@Parsa Shiva Please re-test.
I have updated macro in a way that now macro is case insensitive.
@Parsa Shiva Can you show example how to reproduce problem?
@Krzysztof Bogdan
Some issues occur, such as the
<Hide end>
not stopping the exclusion but it’s hard to provide accurate result without fixing.https://warsaw-dynamics.atlassian.net/browse/ESFJ-383
Affected areas:
Issue description,
Custom field with rich text,
Filter share with Description column, rich text custom field.
@Parsa Shiva Ready to test
@Mariusz Szymański
Please take a look at PR: https://bitbucket.org/warsawdynamics/atlassian/pull-requests/224