Enable external users to modify issue priority


Implement a feature that allows external users to modify the priority of tasks assigned to them.
This feature will enable external users to change issue fields.

Based on customer support ticket



ESFJ-397- Error...
2.7 MiB

Linked issues

relates to
Issue Type Icon SUP-349 Sorting Priority: Medium


Michał Błaszczykowski 9 November 2023, 09:25

fixing new issue on a new task:

Michał Błaszczykowski 8 November 2023, 18:54

@Parsa Shiva it was already merged to dev, can you create a new task with the described issue?

Parsa Shiva 8 November 2023, 15:56

@Michał Błaszczykowski Following issue occurs - QA environment.

This is working only for the set of custom available priorities, it’s not accepting custom priorities and instead displaying a different priority.

The priority customization is not that vast, there are limited icons but the text and the colors can be customized by user.

So if I create a new priority “Life depends on it“, it will just display the “highest“ priority instead.

Parsa Shiva 8 November 2023, 15:43

@Sagar Rawat It’s an improvement not a bug, it’s not ready

Automation for Jira 8 November 2023, 13:28

Hello @Michał Błaszczykowski,

Please merge code to dev branch.
This is the best moment to add more information that can be helpful to prepare release notes.

  • Can you prepare short overview of change that can be used in release notes?

  • Please provide short GIF that showcase feature.

  • If GIF make no sense, can you provide image that highlights feature that can be used in release notes (cropped & annotated)?

Sagar Rawat 8 November 2023, 13:28

@Michał Błaszczykowski Improvement verified - QA environment.

Sagar Rawat 6 November 2023, 15:14

@Michał Błaszczykowski Improvement failed- QA environment. Error occur on modifying issue property.

Automation for Jira 31 October 2023, 12:32

Hello @Michał Błaszczykowski ]

This is the best moment to add more information that can be helpful for tester.

  • What areas are affected?

  • What are potential edge cases?

  • Was it checked for XSS problems?

  • Does change affect security, is new data exposed?

Please attach - Before / After screenshot if possible.

Michał Błaszczykowski 31 October 2023, 12:32

@Krzysztof Bogdan corrected and deployed to qa

Krzysztof Bogdan 31 October 2023, 11:59

@Michał Błaszczykowski I have requested one more change but it does not block deploy to qa

Automation for Jira 31 October 2023, 11:59

Hello @Michał Błaszczykowski,
Change was reviewed and approved.
Task is ready to be deployed to QA.
Once it is deployed to QA please move ticket to "To Test"

Thank you!

Michał Błaszczykowski 31 October 2023, 11:19

@Krzysztof Bogdan done, please look

Krzysztof Bogdan 30 October 2023, 12:48

@Michał Błaszczykowski I have requested 1 more thing. To handle errors. Provide user with feedback.

Michał Błaszczykowski 24 October 2023, 13:33

@Krzysztof Bogdan please check now

Krzysztof Bogdan 24 October 2023, 13:05

@Michał Błaszczykowski I found 1 small thing that should be fixed

Michał Błaszczykowski 24 October 2023, 10:08

@Krzysztof Bogdan please check corrected version

Krzysztof Bogdan 20 October 2023, 12:18

@Michał Błaszczykowski Looks like endpoint is not protected

Automation for Jira 17 October 2023, 14:57

Hello @Krzysztof Bogdan,
Task is ready for review.

@Michał Błaszczykowski please make sure reviewer
have easy access to contend to be reviewed.

If this is code change. Please make sure PR is created.
If this is new documentation, blogpost, etc. Please provide link to page.

Automation for Jira 22 September 2023, 13:51

Hello @Krzysztof Bogdan

This is the best moment to add more description, wire-frames, comments.
Why we doing this?
What is expected result?