Enable issue and custom field population in issue creation for external users
Add the ability to include custom fields in the issue creation screen for external share users.
This feature should allow users to view and modify custom fields when creating issues.
Accepted criteria
Custom fields should be visible and editable for external share users in the issue creation screen.
We should read what fields are required on create screen and allow external user to edit them
Only found as “single” (non array type):
Type |
system |
custom |
notes |
any |
❌ |
comments-page |
comment |
❌ |
date |
duedate |
✅ |
datetime |
statuscategorychangedate, resolutiondate, lastViewed, created, updated |
✅ |
issuerestriction |
issuerestriction |
❌ no need to support it |
number |
timespent, timeoriginalestimate, aggregatetimespent, aggregatetimeestimate, workratio, timeestimate, aggregatetimeoriginalestimate |
✅ |
object |
❌ |
option-with-child |
✅ |
priority |
priority |
✅ |
progress |
aggregateprogress, progress |
✅ |
project |
project |
✅ |
resolution |
resolution |
✅ |
sd-approvals |
❌ |
sd-customerrequesttype |
✅ |
sd-feedback |
❌ |
sd-request-lang |
✅ |
sd-servicelevelagreement |
✅ |
securitylevel |
security |
❌ no need to support it |
status |
status |
✅ |
team |
✅ |
timetracking |
timetracking |
❌ |
votes |
votes |
❌ |
watches |
watches |
❌ |
Only as array:
Type |
system |
custom |
notes |
issuelinks |
subtasks, issuelinks |
❌ |
attachment |
attachment |
✅ |
worklog |
worklog |
❌ |
json |
❓ Needs research |
sd-customerorganization |
✅ |
component |
component |
✅ |
service-entity-field |
✅ |
cmdb-object-field |
❓ Needs research |
sd-asset |
❓ Needs research |
Mixed, found as single and as array:
Type |
system |
custom |
notes |
option |
✅ |
user |
creator, assignee, reporter |
✅ |
string |
labels, description, summary, environment |
✅ This requires research. How to know if this is rich text and which one is simple string? Only by ‘custom’ field? |
version |
fixVersions, versions |
✅ |
group |
✅ |
option2 |
❓ Requires research |
Hello @Mykhailo Iereshchenko,
Please merge code to dev branch.
This is the best moment to add more information that can be helpful to prepare release notes.
Can you prepare short overview of change that can be used in release notes?
Please provide short GIF that showcase feature.
If GIF make no sense, can you provide image that highlights feature that can be used in release notes (cropped & annotated)?
Improvement implemented - QA env
service management project - components
Project: work management
Request type: No request type by default
@Mykhailo Iereshchenko when a ticket is being created in Jira
priority is Medium by default
The field is empty in ES:
Unable to open a new created share
long name does not fix in a frame
should an external user be able to create a new label like in Jira?
Currently he can only select from a list of created ones
not sure what is with ‘Your new issue was created but could not be opened’, i tried to find a sequence of steps to reproduce it but every time it’s random to me, most of the time it happens when i fill out all fields
We also do not support following types: request-language, affected services, team, user
@Mykhailo Iereshchenko
Missing Reporter, Assignee, Team
@Polina Naumenko color issue is fixed
Components, Fix versions, labels are not in dark mode
Create button in Create issue window doesn’t work @Mykhailo Iereshchenko
@Mykhailo Iereshchenko
create button is not displayed in the preview and a share
The button also does not function
Hello @Mykhailo Iereshchenko
This is the best moment to add more information that can be helpful for tester.
What areas are affected?
What are potential edge cases?
Was it checked for XSS problems?
Does change affect security, is new data exposed?
Please attach - Before / After screenshot if possible.
Hello [~accountid:],
Task is ready for review.
@Mykhailo Iereshchenko please make sure reviewer
have easy access to contend to be reviewed.
If this is code change. Please make sure PR is created.
If this is new documentation, blogpost, etc. Please provide link to page.