Activity export


We want to improve access to activity.

  • We should expose activity access via API.

        // /webapi/share/{uuid}
        // /webapi/share/{uuid}/activity
        // => json
        public ShareDto get(@PathVariable("uuid") String uuid,
                            HttpServletRequest request) {
  • We should expose activity CSV export on share level.
    Security check on backend (similar to getting share).

  • We should include in CSV: Issue id , project id, share uuid.

  • For performance reasons we should remove summary name. Why export takes so log.

We should improve export speed.

For testing:

  • Exposed activity access via API key. (Get Share: allow). /webapi/share/{uuid}/activity

  • Exposed activity export on share level - information of the activity is applicable for a specific share type

  • Added in exported csv columns Issue id , project id, share uuid for every lever (share type, project, global level)

  • Improved export to csv speed large numbers of records

Linked issues

Issue Type Icon ESFC-617 Activity export Priority: Medium


Daniel Siara 19 April 2024, 14:59
Krzysztof Bogdan 19 April 2024, 14:56

@Daniel Siara Can you provide link?

Daniel Siara 19 April 2024, 14:30

@Krzysztof Bogdan documentation updated

Daniel Siara 17 April 2024, 14:48

@Krzysztof Bogdan Task is ready to deploy

Automation for Jira 15 April 2024, 12:01

Hello @Daniel Siara,

Please merge code to dev branch.
This is the best moment to add more information that can be helpful to prepare release notes.

  • Can you prepare short overview of change that can be used in release notes?

  • Please provide short GIF that showcase feature.

  • If GIF make no sense, can you provide image that highlights feature that can be used in release notes (cropped & annotated)?

Polina Naumenko 12 April 2024, 16:32

@Daniel Siara @Krzysztof Bogdan slightly updated a description of a ticket to make it more clear about Activity csv report

Daniel Siara 12 April 2024, 08:26

@Polina Naumenkotask is ready to test

Daniel Siara 11 April 2024, 13:33

@Krzysztof Bogdan I made some changes related to below Polinas’s comment. Task is ready for review. Please take a look again

Polina Naumenko 10 April 2024, 10:19

as per discussion regarding CSV activity report:

on share lvl - csv should be generated for activity of a particular share

I will continue work on API

Automation for Jira 8 April 2024, 09:11

Hello @Daniel Siara ]

This is the best moment to add more information that can be helpful for tester.

  • What areas are affected?

  • What are potential edge cases?

  • Was it checked for XSS problems?

  • Does change affect security, is new data exposed?

Please attach - Before / After screenshot if possible.

Automation for Jira 8 April 2024, 08:41

Hello @Daniel Siara,
Change was reviewed and approved.
Task is ready to be deployed to QA.
Once it is deployed to QA please move ticket to "To Test"

Thank you!

Daniel Siara 8 April 2024, 08:40

@Krzysztof Bogdan We can improve the export speed by increasing the number of rows downloaded at one time from 100 to 20k. Task is ready for review.

Krzysztof Bogdan 4 April 2024, 15:41

@Daniel Siara So how can we improve export of large number of records?

Automation for Jira 4 April 2024, 14:38

Hello @Krzysztof Bogdan,
Task is ready for review.

@Daniel Siara please make sure reviewer
have easy access to contend to be reviewed.

If this is code change. Please make sure PR is created.
If this is new documentation, blogpost, etc. Please provide link to page.

Daniel Siara 4 April 2024, 14:06

@Krzysztof Bogdan Task is ready for review. I didn't find the reason for slow export to CSV. I checked that it does not depend on the display of any specific column, but on displaying a large number of records.

Krzysztof Bogdan 4 April 2024, 13:08

@Daniel Siara No, Get Share should be enough. Activity is part of share.

Daniel Siara 4 April 2024, 09:42

@Krzysztof Bogdan Do you want @GetMapping("/{uuid}/activity") to have its own checkbox or to be connected to Get Share?